Thursday, December 6, 2012

Bass in My Life

Being a college student I have had to adapt to conditions I wouldn’t have to deal with at home with my mom and sister. Living with 3 strangers and lots of new neighbors is taking some getting used to. My roommates making noise I can deal with because I can ask them to keep it down and they usually respect my wishes. My neighbors on the other hand, could care less if I wanted peace and quiet. The picture below is how I feel on a regular basis. I’m pretty sure the person who has the bedroom next door from mine has an actual wall of speakers they enjoy using at all hours of the day and night. They used to play their bass at top levels at all times, so strong that it would vibrate into my bedroom. There were complaints not only from me so they stopped for a while. Recently they have been randomly playing a song with very strong bass and it’s very irritating. I have noticed the absolute threshold, the minimum amount of bass I can tolerate before noticing they are playing music is very low. I had developed a sensory adaptation, when you stop noticing an unchanged stimulus, but now that they randomly play music with little to no bass or sometimes lots of bass I am no longer adapted. I’m looking forward to winter break so I can get a break from the bass.

I hope you enjoyed the absolute threshold and sensory adaptation in my life.

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